Synaps 2 - Fault Detection, Classification & Location Solution
Project Reference Number:

Project summary
Funding Licensee(s):
  • UK Power Networks
Funding mechanism:
  • Network Innovation Allowance
Research area:
  • ED - Network improvements and system operability
  • LV & 11kV Networks
Preceding Projects:
Third Party Collaborators:
  • Fundamentals
  • Lucy Gridkey
  • Powerline Technologies
  • RINA
  • Megger
  • PNDC
  • Energy Innovation Centre

This will continue from the previous SYNAPS 1 project — the installation of the current sensors on LV feeders with known faults to determine their location. This work will focus on optimising the network calibration procedure and tuning the location technology to improve accuracy of the fault information and minimise the time required to generate it.


Basic Fault Location

This will continue from the previous SYNAPS 1 project — the installation of the current sensors on LV feeders with known faults to determine their location. This work will focus on optimising the network calibration procedure and tuning the location technology to improve accuracy of the fault information and minimise the time required to generate it.

Once a fault is identified the equipment will be moved between feeder locations at regular intervals after liaison with UKPN.  This will allow continued collection of fault data in multiple cable type environments.  Fault location information will be communicated to asset teams for investigation and validation.

DNO Operational IT System Connection Specification

Development of a specification for an interface between the SYNAPS cloud server and DNO operational IT systems to enable DNO operational staff to be informed in real time when LV faults are detected on specific feeders and to provide fault location information when this is available. The target system will be determined through mutual discussion between the NIA partners and could include iHost or similar platform.

Advanced Fault Location

This will be based on around ten sets of the next generation SYNAPS sensors. These will be divided between SSEN and UKPN and the installation of the sensors will be on LV feeders with known faults and/or fault history. In addition to increasing the number of data collection sites, this work package will also aim to test and validate the technology in support of the following use cases:

-          Low voltage networks that run in parallel known in the industry as fully meshed networks

-          Long Term Fault Evolution. Investigation of the network disturbances noted in SYNAPS 1 project. to determine which are early faults, to follow their evolution into permanent faults, to seek to determine at what stage they can be located and to ascertain the scope for predicting the time before they become critical.

-          Investigate if faults can be identified as either cable or joint faults.

Prototype DNO Operational IT System Connection

Based on the “DNO Operational IT System Connection specification” developed above, implementation and testing of a working interface between the SYNAPS system and the DNO Operational IT system.

Business as Usual Demonstration

A demonstration of the final TRL8 commercial prototype will be carried out on the distribution network with the intent to demonstrate the solution in a network environment and to evaluate the data connectivity.